Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Fancy Hat for Mom

Since, this is the first entry in my blog, I'll share with you my latest work.  I am very proud of this mainly because it was very challenging for me given that I haven't knitted for a very very long time.  While I was working on my first knit blanket for a friend who was having a baby (will post about this later), my mom asked me to knit her a hat.  She gave me a hat that she loves to wear and said, "Can you make me this hat in black?"  I looked at it and quickly determined that is was not knitted but crochet (I also know how to crochet but I prefer to knit).  I didn't want to disappoint her so I told her, I would figure it out and try to duplicate it.  Well, I looked and looked for a crochet pattern that will be similar to her hat.  I found one that I like and began to crochet it.  Even though it was crochet, I still enjoyed it and in the end it was an OK hat.  It was slightly too big. Oops! When I gave it to my mom she graciously accepted it.  I was not happy with it because first it was not knitted and second it was too big for her.  So I set out to make a knitted hat with a nice and complicated (for me) pattern.  I found it in the KnitScene Winter 2008/ Spring 2009 magazine.  It definitely looked very intimidating, but I worked through it and in the end I was extremely pleased with it and proud that I was able to do it.

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