Thursday, October 14, 2010

A Simple Baby Blanket

Boy it has been a long while since I last wrote. I can't believe how fast time flies. I have finished several projects but have been unable to publish them here. It has been so busy at work and I just haven't had the time. Work is still busy but has calmed down just a little to be able to write something today.
I finished this baby blanket back in April. It is for my son's little cousin. I had tried to give it to his parents on several occasions but our schedules never allowed the time. So, I decided to mail it to them. I really hope he likes it and is able to use it for many years to come. This pattern was my own creation. I did take the pattern of the first baby blanket (in yellow) I made several months ago but I removed the center pattern that would have taken longer to knit. The border is garter stitch and the center is stockinette. I believe it turned out just as nice even though it was simple. I want to make another one for my beautiful son, Matthew, but now that he is getting older the pattern and color should be one that a little boy would like.  *.*.*.*.*  :-)